As a counsellor my work is grounded in the philosophy of the person-centred approach. My way of working with clients focuses on process and helping the client gain insight into their relationship with their world. The work of Martin Buber on the nature of relationship, the practice of mindfulness as a means to experience the ‘now’ and come closer to our process, and an emphasis on direction and flow, rather than objective and solution, all play a vital part in how I interact with a client.
All of this I bring also to the role of supervisor (though a description of ‘consultative support’ would sit more comfortably within a humanistic philosophy).
Because my focus as a supervisor is on the process of the counsellor with the client and its parallel in the process of the counsellor with myself, I do not believe in the necessity for counsellor and supervisor to be of the same modality, though I respect the opinion of anyone who strongly feels this should be the case. For me, if we are engaged too much in what we can ‘work out’ about our client, we are in danger of losing real contact with her or him. And so the main function of the supervisor: to look for where there are difficulties with empathy, or acceptance, or congruence. Or humility, for this should also be a core condition. I believe that we should always be ready to learn from our clients.
My work as a counsellor over more than 25 years has been with individuals and couples, with all ages from 16 up, in agency, NHS and private settings. I have completed over 8000 client hours. My work as a supervisor has been in college, NHS and private settings and totals in excess of 1000 hours.
I offer face-to-face supervision at Le Sentier Tranquille in SW France, or I can work through FaceTime or Skype. I will work out with you an appropriate frequency of meetings, for which I will charge £40 for a one-hour session or £55 for an hour and a half (€45 and €60 respectively). You are welcome to contact me to discuss how we might work together.