Writings and publications from Simon Cole-Simon Cole counsellor, trainer, meditation teacher, author
"Pathways" looks at the means with which humankind has sought to find its way - each an individual striking out alone, but inevitably being confronted with the challenge of relation and the inescapable truth that they only really know who they are when thrown into the melee of association. "I and Thou", Ubuntu, Koinonia and others are ways our species has sought to encapsulate the essential nature of that coming together with one another - at the very beginning for survival, and today again also, for survival. Ourselves, others, our planet... and so little time.
"just BE here" has the subtitle "The Guide to Musicking Mindfulness", though 'musicking' does not suggest a need to be musical, because it draws on a much older meaning of 'musick' which related more to the rhythm of life and the flow of being. This is a different take on mindfulness integrating a philosophy of relation and a perspective of passage and ongoing being.
(You can read more about these books and others at: www.stillnessinmind.com
Books are available in some shops, but you can most easily access the range from my Amazon author page)